South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program

About the program

The South Carolina Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program (SCECEP) is a series of community engagement events to educate community leaders on how they can serve on the Board of Trustees of their local electric cooperative.

The community engagement events will cover:

  • How electric cooperatives serve and operate in their communities

  • The role of the Board of Trustees on electric cooperatives

  • How attendees can run for election on their local electric cooperative’s Board of Trustees

SCHEDULE of events - 2024

  • Tuesday, March 26 | 6:00 - 8:00PM

  • Tuesday, April 30 | 6:00 - 8:00PM

  • Tuesday, June 25 | Hardeeville, SC | 6:00 - 8:00PM

  • Tuesday, July 23 | Blackville, SC | 6:00 - 8:00PM

Door Prizes

Door prizes will be awarded at each of the community engagement events. Door prizes include:

Did you know?

  • Your local electric cooperative sets utility rates that impact your monthly power bill.

  • The Board of Trustees of electric cooperatives are locally elected and paid positions.

  • Most Electric Cooperative Boards in South Carolina are not diverse.

Ideal candidate

You’re a leader in your community who is well networked and ready to learn about leadership development opportunities on local boards and commissions. You have a desire to represent your community in how the community is provided energy and utility services.


At the end of the community town hall event series SCACED will recommend ideal candidates to participate in CVSC’s South Carolina Palmetto Leadership Academy, where candidates will be equipped with the tools to run for election on their local electric cooperative’s Board of Trustees.